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 Jutsu Registration

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Crow Dove
6 posters
Crow Dove
Admin/Mizukage/Zensuki Clan Leader/E.B.C Lv. 5
Admin/Mizukage/Zensuki Clan Leader/E.B.C Lv. 5
Crow Dove

Male Number of posts : 411
Bloodline : E.B.C Lv. 5
Dating / married to : ♥Kitty♥ ^^
Rank : Kage
Registration date : 2008-05-26

Character sheet
Bio: Grew up in Cloud where he was born, then after being removed from Kageship, he traveled throughout the land. He worked for Orochimaru who took him in then under different circumstances left him to die. He then lived in Mist village where he was also removed from Kageship, cursed to forever walk the land

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PostSubject: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 10:28 pm

Come here to post a jutsu that you may want. It MUST be new and not something we already have, and of course, it cannot godmod
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Male Number of posts : 58
Bloodline : Wind Manipulation
Dating / married to : ...
Rank : C-rank Outlaw
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Character sheet

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PostSubject: Re: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2008 7:32 pm

wind manipualtion clan jutsus:

(A gust of wind)
Style: N/A
The base of all Makaze jutsu. By calling upon the Wind
from all around
them the user is able to fasten the necessary time to cast
their jutsus
and thus increase their battle potential.

Deep Breathing
Style: N/A
The Makaze user will be able to take larger amounts of
oxygen into
their lungs then a normal Shinobi, allowing for longer
periods of time
when a Makaze users breath can be held (Ie: useful when
faced with a
smoke bomb or any type of poison gas)

Wind palm
Style: N/A
The user creates a thin layer of wind chakra around his
hand which
he/she uses to strike at a opponent once with, increasing
their blow by
a small margin.

Wind Sensory
Style: Ninjutsu/ can be used for taijutsu
The Makaze user when they close their eyes and let their
chakra flow
around them is able to sense incoming attack which break
through the
wind and most likely dodge them. This jutsu is quite high
in chakra
usage so it it not to be used for more then 3 posts at a
time unless
you are Chuunin or above in which it is increased to 8

Wind Bullet
Style: Ninjutsu
The user focuses small wind fragments to his/her
fingertips, these can
be used to shoot small wind strikes at the enemy. The
further the
distance however the lower the damage.

~Genin Level~ (May be added to in the

Dust Wind
Style: Ninjutsu
The Makaze user forms handsigns and places their palm upon
the ground,
releasing a gust of wind across it, which in turn kicks up
a dust
shroud to conceal their location for 1 post. If enough
force is put
into the gust the user may even be able to envelope the
entire field
for 3 posts.

Wind Arrow
Style: Ninjutsu
The user molds chakra and breathes in. He or she then
blows out and an
arrow made of wind, which is then shot from the user’s
mouth. Since it
is made out of wind the arrow is hard to see. One arrow
shot at a time.

Oxygen Deficiency
Style: Genjutsu
The user by releasing their chakra out over the air
currents traps
their opponent in a minor Genjutsu, in which their
opponent after some
time believes themselves to be choking as the battle
progresses, when
in fact the chakra is interfering with their brain waves
and making
them not take as much air into their lungs as they usually

~Chuunin Level~ (May be added to in the future)

Great Breakthrough
Style: Ninjutsu
This is a Ninjutsu which utilizes the Wind Element. After the user
brings their hands to their mouth, the user will blow a large blast of
wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way.

Cutting Whirlwind
Style: Ninjutsu
The user performs hand signs and concentrates a large amount of wind
chakra around their opponents feet or near their opponent. If focused
around the opponent as soon as their body muscles twitch to move the
jutsu will activate by creating a large burst of wind almost like a
tornado for a few moments, hurling them into the air, as the wind
stops, 3 wind sickles form around them and slash at their body, driving
them into the ground hard with the force of the attack.

Slash Kunai
Style: Ninjutsu
By concentrating a moderate amount of wind chakra to their hand the
Makaze user shapes it quickly into a kunai like shape, this kunai
though completely useless for depending has a sharp edge which makes it
perfect for attacking. It may be thrown but when disconnected with the
users hand it's power weakens depending on how far it is thrown.

Parting Movement
Style: Taijutsu
By focusing a thin layer of wind chakra around their own body the user
is able to increase their movement and speed by at the very least 5x,
this is effective when in close range fights as when attack you can
land hits faster and defend better. When this jutsu is coupled with
Palm Strike it can be very dangerous.

Gale Wind
Style: Ninjutsu
By gathering a large amount of the users Wind chakra in front of them
and forcing their palm against it. The user unleashes a cutting wind of
up too 70 mph across the battle field, this jutsu is hard to avoid and
will most likely hit directly.

Needles of the Wind
Style: Ninjutsu
The user gathers air with his hands and mixes it with chakra, by doing
this he transforms the air into sharp and deadly needles. The needles
are almost invisible so it is hard for the enemies to see them. Because
the needles are almost invisible they are extremely hard to block, the
best action would be to evade them.

Silver Song
Style: Genjutsu
Requirements: To be a flute wielder and to know the jutsu Soundless Sound.
The next verse of Soundless Sound, when the opponent enters the groggy
drunk like state they begin seeing horrific scenes around them in which
they are killing everyone they've ever known or loved. If the opponent
is weak minded it may result in a psychotic break.

~Jounin Level~ (may be added to in the future)

Assault of Piercing Wind
Style: Ninjutsu/Genjutsu
The user forms a succession of hand signs quickly as a whip forms
between their hands, the user grasps the whip with either hand and they
begin slashing at the opponent with it, the opponent however is
distracted and can not dodge every strike efficiently as a loud
whistling wind sound is piercing into their ears and distorting their

Tornadic Pressure
Style: Ninjutsu
The user calls upon winds of up to 100mph to assault only one portion
of their opponents body, usually to the point of the area caving in on
itself( Example: using this jutsu on a opponents knee to the point
where the bone shatters)

Silent Melody
Style: Genjutsu
The user places their middle and index finger to their mouth and begin
playing a soft almost silent melody, without the opponents knowledge
they begin to fall asleep without realizing it. In 5 posts of this
jutsu being used the opponent will fall asleep. If using a flute the
opponent will fall asleep within 2 posts.

Style: Ninjutsu
After forming the needed hand signs a great whirlwind of air will
surround the user and wrap around their feet, lifting them off the
ground, this is effective in battles as it allows the user to twist
their body around in mid air to avoid attacks. The user cannot hover
more then 3 feet off the ground.

Wind Torpedo
Style: Ninjutsu
The user gathers a large amount of wind into his lungs and expels it in
a single blow. The wind forms a torpedo that is near invisible that
launches towards the opponent. Upon contact it explodes with the force
of two exploding tags.

Wind Blade
Style: Ninjutsu
Creates a blade of wind around the user’s arm. The sword cannot be
blocked due to it being made of wind but it can be dodged. Since the
wind is condensed down it does weigh down the user’s arm.

Slash Force
Style: Ninjutsu
The same principle of Wind Blade, the user creates a sword of wind
around their arm but instead of using it for melee attacks they use it
for long range slashes of sharp air.

Wind Armour
Style: Ninjutsu/ Taijutsu
The user concentrates a huge amount of wind chakra to completely cover
their body in slashing wind, this stopping the opponents strikes from
hardly doing anything for 5 turns unless a Katon (fire) jutsu. The
taijutsu aspect is that this wind is sharp enough to increase the
strikes of the user quite a bit, not only striking the opponent but
cutting them at the same time.

Fuuton Furyuu no Jutsu Wind Dragon
Style: Ninjutsu
Creates a dragon formed from wind. The dragon looks like a large
serpent, a traditional Chinese dragon that is twenty feet long. The
dragon has a red mane and the rest of his body borders light blue. The
color is not distinct because the wind manipulates it from its color to
transparency. The dragon can shoot Great Breakthrough from its mouth.

~Kage/Sannin Level~

Eye of the Storm
Style: Ninjutsu
Releasing a large amount of chakra all at once the user envelopes and
seals the area in a 100-200 meter cyclone, this preventing the opponent
escaping for if they tried to they would certainly die from the 400 mph

Cyclonic Wind Strike
Style: Taijutsu/Ninjutsu
The user grasps the wrist of one of their hands as cyclone of wind
forms around them, the user barely able to stand straight as the wind
becomes compressed down into their hand and spiraling downwards further
to envelope the users arm completely. With a constant spinning
trajectory it begins so twist at a blinding speed as the user chakra
forward and delivers a humongous amount of damage to the opponent which
in most cases will cause the users arm to rip right through the

Tremendous Speed(forbidden jutsu)
Style: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
The user concentrates a immense amount of wind chakra around themselves
which cuts outward when built to a high level. The user after the wind
resistance on themselves and now coated in wind chakra begins to move
at immense speed, to the point in which they are no longer visible to
their opponent. Once these speeds have been reached the speed and power
of this jutsu is focused in one powerful strike resulting in the
opponents instantaneous death. Though after the user has used this just
and the finally slow down, the force of the sudden stop shatters their
arms and they receive compound fractures to their legs.
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Lord Aburame
Anbu Black Ops/Leaf Sanin/Summoner
Anbu Black Ops/Leaf Sanin/Summoner
Lord Aburame

Male Number of posts : 264
Age : 30
Bloodline : Bug control,Lion Sage
Dating / married to : Married to minora
Rank : Anbu/Leaf Sanin/Summoner
Registration date : 2008-05-26

Character sheet
Bio: Was alone for a long time until i became a genin and got friends like kakashi,minora,kyo,and zudo.Life is towards completeing missions with my friends and spends my extra time with my love minora.

Jutsu Registration Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2008 10:04 pm

New Aburame Jutsus:

Bug Weapons
Need to be Aburame
~User shapes their kikai(Destructio) bugs into the shape of a certain weapon,giving that weapon,the shapes properties.

Kikai Ball
Need to be aburame
~User forms a big ball of connected Kikai bugs,and sends it at the opponent.Right before impact,the Kikai ball explodes,with the bugs hitting the target at full speed.The bugs cna either send the opponent flying back,or attach to the opponent and leeching out the victims chakra.
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Xavier J. Yadori
Admin/Vampiric/Jonin/Fox Summoner/Alter and Yadori leader
Xavier J. Yadori

Male Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Bloodline : R.B.E level 11(Red Blood Eyes)
Dating / married to : Not Sure If We're Still Together...
Rank : Otokage
Registration date : 2008-05-27

Character sheet

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PostSubject: Re: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2008 10:36 pm

Approved. But The Kikai Ball Is For Jounin Leveled Aburame.
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Lord Aburame
Anbu Black Ops/Leaf Sanin/Summoner
Anbu Black Ops/Leaf Sanin/Summoner
Lord Aburame

Male Number of posts : 264
Age : 30
Bloodline : Bug control,Lion Sage
Dating / married to : Married to minora
Rank : Anbu/Leaf Sanin/Summoner
Registration date : 2008-05-26

Character sheet
Bio: Was alone for a long time until i became a genin and got friends like kakashi,minora,kyo,and zudo.Life is towards completeing missions with my friends and spends my extra time with my love minora.

Jutsu Registration Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2008 10:36 pm

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Xavier J. Yadori
Admin/Vampiric/Jonin/Fox Summoner/Alter and Yadori leader
Xavier J. Yadori

Male Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Bloodline : R.B.E level 11(Red Blood Eyes)
Dating / married to : Not Sure If We're Still Together...
Rank : Otokage
Registration date : 2008-05-27

Character sheet

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PostSubject: Re: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 9:19 pm

Name:Veritaserium jutsu
Handseals(ox, tiger etc.)Rat, Ox, and Boar
Have To be a jounin-leveled Yadori since its based upon a speed.
Description:The user will perform handseals while running at top speed. Once they reach the oppenent they will force their palm into the opponents chest and the user's chakra will enter the ops. body. The user's chakra travels up to their brain at the exact speed the user was going and it sends a semi-outlined version of the ops. next moves for the remainder of the fight.
Drawbacks:The user will move slightly slower than he normally would at as a Yadori. And because of the force needed to hit the op. the user's hands will be numb for 10 posts.

Last edited by Xavier J. Yadori on Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Faita Uchiha
Co-Webmaster/Kazekage/Uchiha Member/3 Personalitys/Mangekyo User
Co-Webmaster/Kazekage/Uchiha Member/3 Personalitys/Mangekyo User
Faita Uchiha

Male Number of posts : 140
Age : 32
Bloodline : Uchiha/Mangekyo
Rank : Kazekage
Registration date : 2008-05-29

Character sheet
Bio: Reborn after a catastrophe, Faita is a 16 year old boy who possesses sharingan and a little more in his head(such as the souls of Obito Uchiha and Madara Uchiha). faita is calm and shy, he likes to experiment with perfect things.....trying to make them better!!!

Jutsu Registration Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitimeMon Oct 06, 2008 10:18 pm

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Xavier J. Yadori
Admin/Vampiric/Jonin/Fox Summoner/Alter and Yadori leader
Xavier J. Yadori

Male Number of posts : 236
Age : 33
Bloodline : R.B.E level 11(Red Blood Eyes)
Dating / married to : Not Sure If We're Still Together...
Rank : Otokage
Registration date : 2008-05-27

Character sheet

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PostSubject: Re: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitimeSat Oct 11, 2008 2:36 am

Raining Blood
Handseals{Ox, Rat, Boar, Etc..)None
Only For My Use And No One Else's.
Description:You must tightly grip your ops. forearms and squeeze, focusing your chakra into their body. Their veins will explode almost upon contact and kill them. o.O
Drawbacks:Can Only Be Used 3 Times Every 3 weeks.(In real o.o)
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cepeda hyuuga

cepeda hyuuga

Male Number of posts : 10
Age : 30
Bloodline : Hyuuga
Rank : Jounin
Registration date : 2008-11-02

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PostSubject: Re: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitimeFri Nov 14, 2008 7:53 pm

Fire Dragon Justu
Handseals: Dragon Ox Bear
Only i know untill i teach some 1 else
Description:You will do your handsigns then focus your fire inside your body into your mouth then shoot it out then they shoot a Giant fire shaped like a Dragon at the enemy
Drawbacks:Can only be used 3 times a match
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PostSubject: Re: Jutsu Registration   Jutsu Registration Icon_minitime

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